Return Policy
Return Policy
We believe finding the right part should be easy. That’s why we allow 60 days to return parts that don’t fit your needs. Making this process quick and easy is an important part of our commitment to you – helping you get what you need and get back on track quickly.
Any item purchased on (non-returnable items include: semi-universal catalytic converters, repair manuals (except seals), special order products, consumable products, custom products, painted parts, modified parts, opened/unopened electrical parts.) must be returned within 60 days of purchase. All authorized returns must include all items and components contained in the original packaging.
Upon receipt of your order, please thoroughly inspect all packaging for missing, damaged or incorrect parts. We are not responsible for missing, damaged or incorrect parts on all products after 60 calendar days, regardless of who is at fault. is not responsible for lost or stolen packages, all such claims must be processed through the shipping carrier. is not responsible for, and hereby waives any responsibility or obligation to reimburse you for, labor costs, mechanic fees, towing charges, additional repair costs, rental car charges, or any other incidental costs or expenses you may incur for the use or installation of parts provided by or on behalf of, whether or not such parts are defective or shipped incorrectly.
We are not responsible for any return shipping charges unless the return is due to a manufacturer’s defect or a direct result of our error.
Whenever you purchase an aftermarket part, your purchase price may include a core charge, which is a deposit you pay for the “core,” or recyclable component of the part. Think of a core charge like recycling an empty soda can or plastic bottle – you get your money back!
We do our best to accommodate order cancellations, and this is best accommodated if the order has not yet been packaged or shipped. If for any reason we cannot cancel your order, you may return the product.